Asiatic Black Bears are omnivorous
Black Bear Classification:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Ursidae
Genus: Ursus
Species: Thibetanus
Other Names: Himalayan Black
Bear, Moon Bear, Asian Black Bear,
Tibetan Black Bear, Black Beast, Dog
Bear, Formosa Bear, Formosan Black
Bear, Giant Cat Bear, Japanese Black
Bear, and White Chested Bear.
Size: Male Asiatic black
bears weigh 220-480 lbs, while females
weigh 110 - 275 lbs. Asiatic black
bears are 4-6 feet long.
Sub-species: There are a number
of Asiatic black bear species.
Asiatic Black Bear Subspecies
Formosan Black Bear - Ursus
Thibetanus Formosanus
Japanese Black Bear - Ursus
Thibetanus Japonicus
Himalayan Black Bear - Ursus
Thibetanus Laniger
Inchochinese Black Bear -
Ursus Thibetanus Mupinensis
Tibetan Black Bear - Ursus
Thibetanus Thibetanus
Ussuri Black Bear - Ursus
Thibetanus Ussuricus

Asiatic Black Bear
Conservation Classification:
Diet: Asiatic black bears are opportunistic
feeders and their diet may vary with the
seasons. Asiatic black bears will eat small
mammals, birds, fish, molluscs, carcasses.
nuts, grasses, fruits, berries, seeds, insects
and honey.
Habitat: Asiatic black bears are
found in southern Asia, Korea, Afghanistan,
Pakistan, Northern India, Nepal, Bhutan,
Vietnam, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Korea,
Bangladesh, Taiwan, Bhutan, Cambodia, Northeastern
China, Southern Siberia, far Eastern Russian
and Honshu and Shikoku islands of Japan.
Asiatic black bears are found in temperate
mountain forests, subtropical and tropical
forests as well as brushy areas.
Behavior: Some Asiatic bears will
migrate seasonally.
Description: Asiatic black bears
resemble black bears, they have a thick
black or dark colored coat with a crescent
shaped yellow or cream marking on their
chest. The Asiatic black bear has a light
colored muzzle.
Birth: Asiatic black bears
usually give birth to a litter of
2 cubs.
Did You Know?
black bears spend around half
of their time in the trees.
They construct platforms from
branches and vegetation upon
which they rest and feed
Gestation: The Asiatic black bears
carry their young for 7 to 8 months.
Cubs: Asiatic black bears stay with
their mother for the first 1 to 1.5 years
of life. Asiatic black bears are born blind
and helpless.
Sexual Maturity: Asiatic bears are
sexually mature between the ages of 3-4.
Life Span: Asiatic black bears live
25 years in the wild. Asiatic black bears
will live up to 40 years in captivity.
Social Structure: Asiatic black
bears are solitary creatures, except
when a mother is rearing her cubs. |
Did You Know?
black bear have been hunted
for centuries for their skin,
paws and for their gall bladder,
which is used in Oriental
Athleticism: Asiatic black bears
are agile tree climbers.