About Bears
Bear Gifts

About Bears


Bears are mammals.

Brown Bear Classification:

Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Ursidae

Species: There are eight species of bear they include:

8 Bear Species Include:

Asiatic Black Bear - Ursus thibetanus
Black Bear - Ursus americanus
Brown Bear - Ursus arctos
Giant Panda Bear -
Polar Bear - Ursus maritimus
Sloth Bear - Ursus ursinus
Spectacled Bear - Tremarctos ornatus
Sun Bear - Ursus malayanus

Size: Bear species can really vary in size. The smallest species of bears is called sun bears. The Polar bear and the Kodiak bear are the largest bear species. Polar bears tend to be taller while Kodiak bears tend to be heavier.

Senses: All bears have an excellent sense of smell. Most species of bears have good vision and hearing.

Habitat: Bears are found throughout the world. They are mostly found in the northern hemisphere, with only a single species, the spectacled bear found in South America. The Atlas Bear, a subspecies of the Brown Bear, is the only bear native to Africa. All the other bear species are found in North America, Asia and Europe.

Diet: Bears are omnivorous, which means they eat plants and animals.

Description: Bears have a robust body, short legs, small round ears, short tail, and a snout that protrudes. Bears have a thick, shaggy coat of fur.

Polar Bear

Conservation Status:
6 of 8 bear species are classified as vulnerable or endangered

Grizzly Bears

Giant Panda Bears

Behavior: Some bear species spend all or part of the winter months in a state of sleep, where they do not eat, urinated, or defecate. Despite what many people think in general bears are diurnal, active for the most part, during the day. Bears are curious and intelligent creatures.

Birth: Female bears give birth to litters of one to four cubs (depending on their species). Bear cubs are 7-25 ounces at birth depending on the species.

Did You Know?

Black bear cubs are generally born in January. As a result sometimes the full moon in January is referred to as the ‘bear moon'.

Gestation: The gestation can vary from bear species to species, bears can be pregnant for 3-8.5 months.

Cubs: Most bear species give birth to cubs that are born completely helpless.

Sexual Maturity: The age with male and female bears sexual maturity is highly variable, between species.

Did You Know?

Bears can eat up to 15% of their body weight in one day.

Life Span: Most bear species can live to the age of 30.

Social Structure: Bears are solitary creatures except when mating or rearing young.

Athleticism: Bears are large bulky creatures, and though their gait is considered awkward they are still agile and able to climb and move quickly, running at speeds of up to 30 miles an hour. Many bear species are also powerful swimmers.

Bear Gifts

Customizable bear gifts with all bear species.

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